UV Sterilizers
A UV Sterilizer (sometimes called a UV Clarifier) can be added to the natural pool or pond system to assist the biological filter in its water cleaning task. This is especially useful when a natural pool or pond is new and the bio-filter is still maturing. Planktonic algae and other unwanted micro-organisms can be prevented, reduced or even eliminated by adding a UV unit to your plumbing system. Water flows through the UV Sterilizer chamber where it (and any micro-organisms floating in it) are exposed to a super bright UV light. This UV light kills the organisms or inhibits their ability to reproduce.
UV Sterilizers come in a variety of strengths dictated by the number and size of the UV bulbs and the speed of water flow through the unit (shown in gallons per hour or gallons per minute). Be sure to plumb your in-line UV Sterilizer after your pump (on the discharge side of the system). Typically, you will need to turn over the entire pond volume at least 4 times per day through the UV unit, at the required flow rate (faster than recommended flow will result in incorrect exposure time). |
For help finding the correct UV Sterilizer for your natural pool or pond, reference the materials available on The Natural Pool Academy website or reach out to a natural pool designer.